99 Chinese Spy Balloons? 4 Objects Shot Down Near U.S. Airspace

(TotalConservative.com) – Drumming up the drama, the U.S. military has shot down 4 objects in 8 days making an unprecedented defense of U.S. airspace. The most recent object was shot down over Lake Huron on Sunday, February 12th and it’s being described as “an unidentified object” instead of a balloon this time, presumably due to the ominous nature of the description.

Head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command Gen. Glen VanHerck told reporters that the shooting was due to a “heightened alert” status since an earlier Chinese spy balloon was shot down after it was allowed to drift over the United States.

Fighter jets were deployed to destroy two other objects, one floating over Alaska and another over Canada. The Pentagon paradoxically claimed the objects were not a danger while saying they knew very little about the objects. Titillating reporters and Twitter trending topics, they refused to rule out alien invaders.

Assistant defense secretary Melissa Dalton said they’ve “been more closely scrutinizing” airspace since the balloon was detected, yielding additional ‘objects.’ The aggressive response could be intuited as a reaction to the criticism directed at Biden for waiting to shoot down the first balloon. Did the military receive orders from Biden or his handlers to scan the skies and destroy any other potential PR nightmares?

VanHerck indicated they had adjusted military radar to track slower objects. He also told reporters “there’s a heightened alert to look for this information,” indicating there was a policy shift from his superiors. He also added that this was the first time the U.S. had used kinetic weapons against airborne objects, officially anyway.

Of the two other balloon-type objects destroyed recently, one was described as a cylindrical airship-type device and the other a much smaller balloon than the first Chinese one with an octagonal shape. That object was the size of three school buses, according to reports. Both had the potential for payloads, though what they were carrying, if anything, is unknown at this time.

Are these military exercises a distraction from other major stories like the Pfizer executive being exposed by Project Veritas, the flood of illegal immigrants invading the country, or the disastrous war in Ukraine?

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