Migrant Scheme Exposed After Officers Are Shot

(TotalConservative.com) – A recent shooting involving an illegal alien from Venezuela who also happens to be an admitted gang member has revealed criminals are smuggling guns into migrant shelters via food deliveries, which aren’t scanned by metal detectors or otherwise scrutinized for contraband.

Corporate media covering early hearings for nineteen-year-old Bernardo Raul Castro-Mata revealed that the young man is a member of the TDA gang, currently running amok in New York City and blamed in part for the 300% increase in robbery and grand larceny crimes in the city over the past year.

Mata was caught by police after being stopped for riding his scooter the wrong-way down a one-way street and instead of simply turning around and apologizing, Mata ditched the scooter and ran from the cops. The police pursued him, resulting in Mata allegedly pulling a gun and opening fire, striking both officers before being hit himself. Thankfully no one else was injured.

The two officers were struck in the chest and leg. The officer hit in the chest was wearing his bulletproof vest and wasn’t severely injured. The other officer was shot in his leg and is expected to recover. Mata was hit in his ankle and is also expected to recover.

Mata reportedly told police that shooting at cops is a regular occurrence in his home country as criminals there believe they can escape justice. Additionally he told police that he was a part of the TDA gang and was assigned to engage in robberies as well as smuggling guns into migrant shelters via the food deliveries.

Authorities across the country are railing about criminal activity by illegals who come from lesser developed nations. Unfortunately, the Biden administration and FBI aren’t requiring accumulated crime data for the FBI’s national database. This allows administration officials to conveniently claim crime isn’t on the rise by simply ignoring the evidence.

New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago are among some of the major cities not-contributing their crime data to national statistics.

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