Tusk Seizes Control of Public Broadcast in Poland

(TotalConservative.com) – Poland’s recently elected pro-European Union government headed by Prime Minister Donald Tusk has seized control of public broadcasting companies and took them off the air. Everyone involved in the management of TVP and Polski Radio was fired by the newly elected regime.

Conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party members objected to the move and began organizing sit-in protests at their headquarters.

Tusk’s party won elections in October. Tusk said that the win will save Polish democracy. He was sworn in as the new PM on December 13th and promised that the government would follow the rule of law.

French outlet Observatoir du Journalisme reported that Tusk is a minion of infamous billionaire George Soros and claimed that public broadcasting has shifted heavily to the left since Tusk ousted the previous management. They further said that the change marks a return to heavy leftist bias in the media, which was a regular feature in Poland prior to 2015.

The conservative party began to hold vigils as of Tuesday, December 19th outside the headquarters. PiS leader Jarosław Kaczyński said there were 109 deputies from his party at the protest expressing their opposition to the new majority leadership. He argued at the time that it was impossible to have a functioning democracy without having all viewpoints represented in media He further argued that having a strong anti-government media is required to keep it in check.

Kaczyński argued that defense of an independent media was essential to defending democracy and maintaining citizens’ ability to make informed choices at the ballot box. He said that 10 PiS deputies would take turns at the vigil inside TVP headquarters. One of the first to attend was former Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek who called the new majority “Stalinist” for its efforts at quashing critical viewpoints.

Kaczyński also pointed out that having debate within the media is necessary to maintain Poland’s sovereignty. He mentioned Franco-German plans to federalize Europe, which would threaten Poland’s sovereignty.

Kaczyński also said that Tusk is acting on orders from Brussels, implying the threat to the country’s sovereignty has already begun.

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