World News

What’s happening outside the United States can have a huge impact on our way of life. Our World News pieces focus on geopolitical events, foreign conflicts, and anything that might have an economic impact or bring struggle to our shores.

Check back daily for these and our US News stories. We’ll keep you up to date and prepared for whatever may be coming our way.

Posting Videos May Violate the Privacy of Thieves (They’re Serious…)

( - Canadian citizens in the province of Québec who have been victims of package theft received an unexpected warning from their local law...

Taiwan Presidential Candidate Calls China’s Drills Intimidation

( - A series of military live-fire drills in the East China Sea are being scrutinized for attempting to interfere in elections being held...

Supply Delays Continue as Shipping Companies Reroute Away from Red Sea

( - Major shipping companies are rerouting traffic away from the Suez Canal and Red Sea after a series of Yemen-based Houthi attacks have...

China Accused of Staking Territorial Claims in India

( - China has used a series of small villages constructed in a disputed region between itself and India to further its territorial claims....

Shipyard Becomes Focal Point in Quest to Deter China

( - The Philippines is becoming a focal point in the battle to control the region as the Chinese Navy and Coast Guard regularly...