70% of Haley’s New Hampshire Voters Were Not GOP Members

(TotalConservative.com) – A CNN exit poll revealed that Nikki Haley definitely did not do as well in the New Hampshire primary as she tried to make it seem in her speech after the contest results were in.

According to the exit poll, at least 7 out of 10 voters who supported Haley in the Granite State primary election were not registered as Republicans. The poll revealed that around 70% of Haley’s backers in the New Hampshire primary, held on Tuesday, Jan. 23, were either undeclared or declared as independents. Only 27% of her supporters were actually registered Republicans, and the remaining 3% weren’t registered at all before voting in the open primary.

These statistics are significant because most Republican primaries will be determined by the GOP voters, who ultimately pick the party’s presidential nominee.

After the results came in, Trump had 54.4% of the vote while Haley had 43.3%. When she came out to deliver a speech after the primary, Haley thanked New Hampshire and spoke as if she won the contest. Although she congratulated Trump for his victory, she then downplayed it by claiming to garner almost half of the votes and digging into her opponent. Later on, when Trump came out to speak, he criticized the tone of Haley’s speech.

Haley’s 43.3% would seem more impressive if the contest wasn’t a two-candidate face-off. Without newcomer Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis gone from the race after Iowa caucuses results forced them to fold, Haley did better than she otherwise would have. Despite her loss, the former UN ambassador refuses to throw in the towel and said she will continue campaigning at least until the primary in her home state.

The CNN exit poll had the opposite results for Trump. Seventy percent of his supporters were registered Republicans, 27% were independent or undeclared, and 3% were not yet registered.

Although they can’t be registered as Democrats, voters in the New Hampshire primary do not have to be registered Republicans to vote in the party’s primary election.

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